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2015 D.A.R.E. International Conference Workshops

Here are the workshops being offered at this year’s conference.



Course Title and Description

Plenary Sessions

Dr. Scott Poland Co-Director of the Suicide and Violence Prevention Office at Nova Southeastern University. Lessons from the Front Lines of School Crisis for Prevention and Intervention
The incidence of school violence requires that schools and communities collaborate and be up to date on the best prevention practices and understand the role of bullying and suicide in school violence. The presenter has a wealth of practical experience in school crises and participants will learn effective strategies to prevent crises from occurring and lessons from the front lines of numerous tragedies for how to best intervene to help affected schools and communities.
Plenary Session  8/4 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Dr. Bobby Smith Visions of Courage, Founder The Will To Survive: Dealing With the Aftermath of Trauma
Bobby Smith had been a law enforcement officer in Louisiana for nine years, when on the night of March 14, 1986, at point blank range, he was shot in the face & blinded by an armed, violent drug offender. Years later, Bobby experienced loss again with the passing of his daughter at age 22 and his son at age 20. Bobby offers a presentation filled with hope and courage. He has authored three books and over the past 20 years addressed over one million people with his motivational message. Be prepared to leave the conference with hope and motivation.
Plenary Session  8/6 1:30 – 4:00 pm

Specialty Workshop

Anita Bryan Deputy Dircector of Education,                           D.A.R.E. America Elementary keepin’ it REAL – Best Practices
Bobby Robinson D.A.R.E. State Coordinator, Louisana The new keepin’ it REAL Elementary Curriculum has been implemented for two years. Officers around the US have shared their thoughts and ideas. This workshop will be an open discussion regarding the best practices that are being utilized in the classroom. Attend and share your ideas.
Course 1001  8/5 8:00 – 9:45 am
Christine Rapp Hancock County SD, IN, Sergeant Bringing your keepin’ it REAL Lessons to Life
Lee Hall Ohio D.A.R.E. Educator The new keep in’ it REAL Elementary curriculum has been in place for two years.   It’s time to learn new ideas to make your lessons come to life!   Come to this workshop and explore ways to help kids learn to make better choices through D.A.R.E and have fun while they’re doing it. Time is always an important element when you are in the classroom. Learn new ways to make each moment count.
Course 1002  8/5 10:00 – 11:45 am
Course 1003  8/6 10:00 – 11:45 am

General Workshops

Robert Moore

Marcus Savage

Licensed Professional Counselor
Retired Sergeant
Master Officer, Norman PD (OK)
My Body…My Life…Addressing Dating and Gender Violence in Schools
Darien Quattlebaum-Moore MEd, Retired School Administrator National award winning programs that address dating, domestic and gender violence for males and females ages 13 to 93 through awareness, education, empowerment and violence prevention.
Course 2001  8/5 1:00 – 4:45 pm
Course 2002  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Jack West Police Captain, Retired Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘N Roll: A Look at Teenage Drug and Social Trends
This workshop will enlighten attendees into the world of teenagers. Among some of the topics you will learn about: Guns in school, importance of understanding students doodles, identifying devil worship, social network dangers, problems with online gaming. There will also be discussions regarding music to be aware of, white supremacist teenage recruitment, teenage sex practices, dangerous alternative life styles including, Vampires, Zombies, the Goth Culture and Neo-Hippies. Learn about the current drugs, how they are   being used and where they are hidden. There will be a large collection of drug paraphernalia, clothing and containers used to hide drugs on display.
Course 2003  8/5 1:00 – 4:45 pm
Course 2004  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Darrel Roan Lieutenant, W. Feliciana Parish SO Basic Active Shooter Training
Michael Taylor Lieutenant, W. Feliciana Parish SO This is a practical exercise with live scenarios and blank ammo being used. During this course you will be provided basic information on an active shooter or active threat. Building and room entry will be explained in detail. Communication between first responding officer and follow-up responders. Demonstration of team movement will be emphasized. Each workshop is limited to 30 attendees. Reserve your spot early.
Course 2005  8/4 8;00 – 11:45 am
Course 2006  8/5 8:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2007  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Dr. G. David Walker Board Certified Prevention Specialist, I CARE Warning Signs of Suicide. It is NOT Painless, it Changes Everything.
Rosalind Wright Licensed Prevention Specialist, I CARE Through discussion and activities participants will learn to address the problem of suicide. All of us know someone who has taken their own life. You will look at information that will be used by officers both professionally and personally. Suicide hurts so many people, Let’s try to save one life at a time.
Course 2008  8/5 8:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2009  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Rosalind Wright Licensed Prevention Specialist,                               I CARE Bullying or Conflict: Which is it?
Stephanie Price Licensed Prevention Specialist, I CARE During this exciting presentation participants will be able to identify the difference between bullying and conflict. Learn the difference between how girls bully and how boys bully. Understand the development continuum of bully behavior. Explore the unique dynamic that comes along with bullying, victimization, and the possible lifelong consequences of such behavior.
Course 2010  8/4 9:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2011  8/5 3:00 – 4:45 pm
Sarah Shendy Officer, Copley Police Dept. Interacting with the Muslim and Middle Eastern Population
Officer Shendy has spoken before hearings involving Law Enforcement and the Muslim community. This presentation intends to educate the attendees on basic facts that are necessary to consider when interacting with persons who are Muslim or of Middle Eastern descent. Topics include, but not limited to, the five pillars of the Muslim religion, cultural expectations, gender roles, tips for interacting, interviewing and interrogating. This workshop will also cover, dispelling cultural stereotypes, family issues, working with students in a school environment, and other Muslim traditions.
Course 2012  8/5 8:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2013  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Roy Murry Director of Security, Caddo Parish Schools School Security / School Safety Audits
  This presentation gives an overview of school security and safety. It will cover active shooter, use of in-house security, crisis management, and the use of scenario based crisis training for school personnel. Attendees will also be instructed on different types of physical security and conducting school safety vulnerability assessments.
Course 2014  8/5 8:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2015  8/6 8:00 – 11:45 am
Christian Curry
Matthew Pederson
United States Secret Service, Special Agents Are you Exposed on line?
Only 42 % of teens say they are confident that the information seen by the public about them online is information they choose to be visible. Regardless of how fast your fingers fly on a keyboard or cell phone, the best tool you have to help avoid online risks is your brain. Stop before you post, share, or send. Do you trust the site you are on? How would you feel if your information ends up somewhere you didn’t intend?                                                                                     The world is more interconnected today than ever before and with this comes more responsibility. Today’s youth are at the forefront of using technology to connect and communicate with others online, at school, at home and on the go. Increased connectivity presents many advantages but also brings increased risk of cyber crime, including theft, fraud, and abuse. Through an interactive presentation with DHS, attendees will understand the potential risks online and learn how they can protect themselves.
Course 2016  8/4 9:00 – 10:45 am
Course 2017  8/5 8:00 – 9:45 am
Course 2018  8/5 1:00 – 2:45 pm
Maureen Laurent I CARE Prevention Specialist, Licensed Professional Counselor Youth Mental Health First Aid USA: An Evidence-Based Approach to Crisis Intervention
Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is a framework for providing immediate help and support to a young person who is exhibiting signs of emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges. This introduction will provide an overview of the full eight-hour training. Topics covered include the prevalence of mental health disorders amoung yong people; the symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and substance abuse; and the Mental Health Action Plan. Participants will practice using five-step action plan to assess the needs of youth in distress and to implement interventions for both crisis and non-crisis situations.
Course 2019  8/4 9:00 – 10:45 am
Course 2020  8/5 10:00 – 11:45 am
Course 2021  8/5 3:00 – 4:45 pm
Retro Bill The Official D.A.R.E. Safety Buddy Be a Hero – Teaching Safety and Building Self Esteem
This motivational and instructional class is taught by the supercharged Motivational Speaker and Official D.A.R.E. Safety Buddy, RETRO BILL. Always a favorite conference class that will inspire, lift morale, and provide officers and educators with entertaining, instructional and creative ways to connect with kids of all ages, ethnicity and economic backgrounds.
This class covers a variety of topics currently impacting youth; bullying, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gangs and self esteem. This class also includes creative techniques to boost support for local D.A.R.E. and Crime Prevention programs. Retro Bill utilizes humor, role-playing, props and other creative teaching techniques to drive home his informative and motivational messages. GET READY TO BE INSPIRED, INFORMED and ENTERTAINED!
Note: All Officers enrolled in Retro Bill’s class will receive a FREE DVD of his Award-Winning “D.A.R.E. Safety Tips.”
Course 2022  8/4 9:00 – 10:45 am
Course 2023  8/5 8:00 – 9:45 am
Course 2024  8/5 10:00 – 11:45 am

Spanish Workshops

Nora Badilla-Soto Presidente de DARE México El Consumo de Drogas como Generador de Problemática Social
                                                                         D.A.R.E. Mexico Diagnóstico que muestra el impacto que tiene el consumo de drogas en la generación de problemas sociales en México y lo que aporta a los problemas ya existentes.
Curso 3001  8/4 9:00 – 10:45 am
Gil Arturo Flores D.A.R.E. Mexico,   Facilitador Retomando la Esencia del Programa D.A.R.E.
                                                                         D.A.R.E. Mexico Este curso introduce el nuevo Pre K – 4 lecciones. Hay un nuevo aspecto y serán más manejable en la clase. Además, las conversaciones de la familia se han actualizado para que coincida con la nueva keepin it REAL currículo de Primaria, usted recibirá los nuevos folletos.
Curso 3002  8/5 8:00 – 9:45 am
Suahail Villa González D.A.R.E. Mexico,   Mentor Conductas Alarmantes en Niños y Jóvenes
Se proporcionará a los asistentes información que les permita   identificar las conductas de riesgo que presentan en la actualidad los niños y jóvenes latinos, para que obtengan herramientas básicas buscando enfrentarlas de la mejor manera posible.
Curso 3003  8/5 10:00 – 11:45 am
Xochitl de San Jorge de Xalapa Doctorado en Sociedades Multiculturales y Estudios El consumo de drogas en estudiantes de educación superior
Estudio que muestran la prevalencia, patrones de uso y abuso del consumo de drogas en estudiantes universitarios. Lo que permitirá al asistente dimensionar problemas que se generan en etapas educativas anteriores.
Curso 3004  8/6 10:00 – 11:45 am

General Sessions with Spanish Translation

Dr. Scott Poland Co-Director de la Oficina de Prevención de Suicidio y Violencia de la Universidad Nova Southeastern. Lecciones del Frente de Batalla de Crisis Escolar para la Prevención e Intervención
La incidencia de la violencia escolar requiere que las escuelas y las comunidades colaboren y estar al corriente de las mejores prácticas de prevención y comprender el rol de la intimidación y el suicidio en la violencia escolar. El presentador tiene una gran experiencia práctica en la crisis de la escuela y los participantes aprenderán estrategias eficaces para evitar que se produzcan crisis y las lecciones de la primera línea de numerosas tragedias de cómo es la mejor manera intervenir para ayudar a las escuelas y las comunidades afectadas.
Sesión Plenario  8/4 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Jack West Police Captain, Retired Sexo, drogas, Rock ‘N Roll: Una mirada a las tendencias de drogas y Sociales del adolescente.
Este taller le iluminará los participantes al mundo de los adolescentes. Entre algunos de los temas usted aprenderá sobre: Armas en la escuela, la importancia de comprender los doodles e los estudiantes, identificando adoración al diablo, redes sociales peligrosas, problemas con los juegos en línea. También habrá discusiones con respecto a cuál la música ser conscientes de, blanco supremacista reclutamiento de adolescentes, prácticas sexuales de adolescentes, peligrosos estilos de vida alternativos, incluyendo, vampiros, zombis, la cultura gótico y neo-hippies. Aprenda sobre los medicamentos actuales, la forma en que se están utilizando y donde se esconden. Habrá una gran colección de parafernalia de drogas, ropa y recipientes destinados para ocultar drogas en exhibición.
Sesión Plenario  8/5 1:00 – 4:45 pm
Dr. Bobby Smith Louisiana State Trooper, Jubilado Visiones de Valor
Bobby Smith había sido un oficial de la ley en Louisiana durante nueve años, cuando en la noche del 14 de marzo de 1986, a quemarropa, le dispararon en la cara y cegado por un, violento ofensor armado de drogas. Once años más después, su hija murió trágicamente un accidente de automóvil. Bobby ofrece una presentación llena de esperanza y valor. Es autor de tres libros y en los últimos 20 años abordado más de un millón de personas con su mensaje de motivación. Esté preparado para salir de la conferencia con esperanza y motivación.
Sesión Plenario  8/6 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Youth Workshop

Kristina Dorville Department of Homeland Security, Branch Chief Are You EXPOSED Online?
Princess Young Only 42 % of teens say they are confident that the information seen by the public about them online is information they choose to be visible. Regardless of how fast your fingers fly on a keyboard or cell phone, the best tool you have to help avoid online risks is your brain. Stop before you post, share, or send. Do you trust the site you are on? How would you feel if your information ends up somewhere you didn’t intend?                                                                                     The world is more interconnected today than ever before and with this comes more responsibility. Today’s youth are at the forefront of using technology to connect and communicate with others online, at school, at home and on the go. Increased connectivity presents many advantages but also brings increased risk of cyber crime, including theft, fraud, and abuse. Through an interactive presentation with DHS, attendees will understand the potential risks online and learn how they can protect themselves.
Youth Workshop  8/4 9:00 – 10:45 am
Retro Bill The Official D.A.R.E. Safety Buddy Be a Hero – Teaching Safety and Building Self Esteem
This motivational and instructional class is taught by the supercharged Motivational Speaker and Official D.A.R.E. Safety Buddy, RETRO BILL. Always a favorite conference class that will inspire, lift morale, and provide officers and educators with entertaining, instructional and creative ways to connect with kids of all ages, ethnicity and economic backgrounds.
This class covers a variety of topics currently impacting youth; bullying, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gangs and self esteem. This class also includes creative techniques to boost support for local D.A.R.E. and Crime Prevention programs. Retro Bill utilizes humor, role-playing, props and other creative teaching techniques to drive home his informative and motivational messages. GET READY TO BE INSPIRED, INFORMED and ENTERTAINED!
Note: All Officers enrolled in Retro Bill’s class will receive a FREE DVD of his Award-Winning “D.A.R.E. Safety Tips.”
Youth Workshop  8/4 10:00 – 10:45 am

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